Sunday, 7 December 2008

Miller's Academy

When we were booked for this private party I had no idea what Miller's Academy was. That's one of the things I like about the life of a musician - you never quite know where you are going to be playing, what the audience will be like, how well you are going to get looked after - it can go from the sublime to the ridiculous. One day fois gras and champagne and the next curled up sandwiches and awful coffee !
Well thankfully Miller's Academy was leaning well towards the former rather than the latter.
Nestling in Notting Hill on the junction of Westbourne Grove and Hereford Road, stands this impressive building. Starbucks has taken the corner spot but behind an inconsequential red door is hidden a real gem of bohemia. The rooms are adorned with bookcases, sculptures, curtains , chez longs, and more cushions than DFS !!!
It almost could be excused for being slightly middle eastern but it isn't.
There were rows of pews in the "Lecture theatre" on the ground floor which is where we set up for this small birthday party.
The picture above is of the upstairs dining room and you can see from the decor what a hugely comfortable and pleasant place it is.
Our audience was very very appreciative and as soon as we played the first note they were all up on the floor dancing !!!

It was a very enjoyable boozy party night - I am truly thankful to be able to earn a modest crust in this way whilst at the same time giving a bunch of people a really good time - who could ask for anything more..................?

1 comment:

Nick Tann said...

Not a vicar's reception in a tent then?
Hey, YOU could follow MY blog eh?

Love you man