I am just listening back to the soundtrack from our sell out gig at Pizza Express Jazz Club on Sunday 25th October. It is fifteen years since I formed the band back in 1994 and I thought we should mark the anniversary in style. We had the entire gig recorded and I have a rough mix on my pc. We also had four cameramen filming the whole night - it was a great party atmosphere - gonna look great once the edit is done. We are going to release an anniversary DVD with some special features like all DVD's have - some footage from the past - interviews etc etc The audience was absolutely fantastic ! Really great - just a typical Red Stripe party night - jokes , hilarity , boogie woogie , glamour and energy - lots and lots of it ! Having listened to the whole gig again - I got taken right back into that lovely Soho club with its low ceiling and small stage - intimate - just how we like it !! I will put up some pix in due course but the best I can do at the moment is one of us relaxing afterwards. But I will include a "four hands on one piano" piece which I performed during the show with my boogie brother and good friend Robbie Peaple which went down a treat !
I have put it on our myspace page - it is the last song in the list called "four Hands on one Piano!!" and here is the myspace link:
www.myspace.com/theredstripebandand a few other links for good measure:
www.red-stripe.info www.band-for-party.com